also , the names of a handful of seventeenth-century martial artists have been passed on by word of mouth , but there are no clear descriptions of what kinds of martial arts they practiced . また、17世紀の武術家の名前が何人か伝えられているが、彼らがいかなる格闘技をしていたのか、その実態は明らかではない。
the tradition passed on by word of mouth has it that when the movement of goro ' s feet draws the pattern of mimasu (three squares ), which is the crest of danjuro ichikawa , the movement of juro ' s one foot draws an inward circle and the other foot draws an outward circle in response . 五郎の足の運びは市川團十郎の紋の三升を書くと、十郎の足の運びは片足を内輪にもう片足を外輪にすると、それぞれ口伝がある。
under the influence of the chinese books like " history of the later han dynasty " and " bai-shi wen ji ," the original tale , which had been passed on by word of mouth , was once written down in chinese , and then it seems to have been rewritten in kana later . 元々、口承説話として伝えられたものが『後漢書』や『白氏文集』など漢籍の影響を受けて一旦は漢文の形で完成されたが、後に平仮名で書き改められたと考えられている。